We had a dry thunder storm a few weeks ago. A lot of noise and lightning. Shinga is usually very good in a storm and does not go silly like most horses, so we were not terriably worried about her and Lilly being out on the reserve. However, the day after the storm activity, when we went to check everything. Shinga was in the paddock next door.She looked very forlorn-just standing there. We knew straight away something was wrong. On close inspection- it was obvious that she had gone over the fence. A large gash across the left side of her chest and a puncture where the top of a star post had gone into her neck- were proof of what had happened. The gass is an open clean wound and will heal pretty quickly. While the star post left its mark- the full extent of the injury, indicated how lucky she was. The wound was only centermetres from her juglar vein. With the correct treatment she will be as good as new in no time. This photo of Shinga was taken a while back. She is much lighter in colour now. I think in time she will be a totally grey horse. Thomas own Shinga. She was a gift to him from myself and Charlie. I reared her from a few hours old. She was a twin, born at a Thoroughbred Stud. More details on her at a later date.
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